Caroline Hutchinson – Radio Personality, Breakfast Announcer on 92.7 Mix FM and a Charity Patron

EastCoast HR Group has approached prominent and everyday Sunny Coasters about their careers.  Follow our Friday Feature to find out what inspires those around to go to work every day!

Caroline Hutchinson – Radio Personality, Breakfast Announcer on 92.7 Mix FM and a Charity Patron

What was your first job?

My first paid gig was babysitting, but my first regular wage was working as a side kick to Paddle Pop Lion, driving around to shopping centres selling toys out the front of Toyworld stores. Unfortunately when Paddle Pop Lion took his head off he was a religious fanatic who daily tried to lure me to his church as we drove around Sydney…. But that was my first job.

Who are the people that have made the biggest difference in your career and why?

Probably my husband John who always believed in me.  Getting back into media after you have had a baby is daunting, because you think no one will want you.  John was the one who convinced me to have another go.

My current boss is a guy called Rod Brice – he hired me at Mix FM 21 years ago!  He came back to Mix about three years ago – and I’m still here!

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Fake it until you make it.  Look around and find a person who does your dream job well….and do what they do.  Dress like them, adopt their phone manner, speak confidently about your industry, convince people you ALREADY ARE who you want to be.  Eventually that becomes true.

Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today?

Absolutely not.  I know it’s bad practice, but I never really plan for anything.  I just get up every day and do my job – hoping for the best!

My advice to other people would be to set goals and head confidently in their direction.  I just forget to do that myself.

How do you approach work – life balance?

I am lucky because I really love my job, but my hours are not normal.  My work life balance can easily get out of whack.  As I get older I am better at preserving family time – but it has taken time for me to work that out.

Work life balance doesn’t mean 8 hours a day, sometimes your job requires more than that.  Hopefully you love your job enough to want to do it.  But you need down time too.  And your boss should treat that time as sacrosanct. If they don’t, get a new job.  You need balance.

What is your proudest moment in your career?

Last year we hit a $5 million target for Mix FM’s Give Me Five for Kids.  We worked really hard (raised $600 000 during the month of June) to get there and made it with six thousand dollars to spare.

It was a massive celebration and I was incredibly proud, not just of the coast for donating so generously but I was proud of us too because it showed that people trust us with their money.  Over twenty years we have made a difference in the lives of families with sick children and people appreciate it.

So I was proud for what we achieved in June but even more proud of what we have built.

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