Roz White – Owner White’s IGA Group & President of Sunshine Coast Women’s Business Network

EastCoast HR Group has approached prominent and everyday Sunny Coasters about their careers.  Follow our Friday Feature to find out what inspires those around to go to work every day!

Roz White – Owner White’s IGA Group & President of Sunshine Coast Women’s Business Network.

What was your first job?

Bank Officer, Westpac Banking Corporation.  Who would ever have thought I’d become a grocer?  Certainly not me.  Never in a gazillion years did I envisage doing what I do now.

Who are the people that have made the biggest difference in your career and why?

My husband Michael has been my business partner longer than he has been my husband.  We have worked side by side for 26 years however in the early years retailing was certainly not for me.   I was just Mike’s side kick before I eventually found my passion for retailing probably 10-12 years along.  Michael’s has an incredible work capacity and I still stand in awe of his daily discipline and commitment.  He has a good influence on me in this regard and we complement each other by supporting each other’s differences.  He works harder than me and nearly everyone I know.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

To never ever stop looking to learn, listen and find new ways of doing things and if something is not meeting your expectations, move it on.

Complacency can destroy progress and in a competitive environment standing still is just not an option.  It is important to continue to develop, modify, adjust and manoeuvre your business model to stay relevant and sustainable.

Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today?

The last 5 years have been so full I haven’t really stopped to consider this.  So, that was 2014 – we had 3 stores then and planned to build a 4th, now we’re building our 5th and planning a 6th so I guess that means we’ve delivered on our longer-term goals.  I have no real plans to change careers in the next 5 years, but you never know.

How do you approach work – life balance?

Ooooooh!  Balance?  Elusive as it can be, I do make sure I spend quality time with my children and husband.  Quality time for us is private time together.  That is sacred and necessary with a busy schedule.    I’m hoping to find some more time later this year when we complete a series of projects we have been working on.  My ideal type of relaxation is going to the beach……that is my happy place, or a massage, or retail therapy, or eating………I’m pretty easy pleased to be honest.

What is your proudest moment in your career?

I am very proud of the team we have created; they are focused, committed and loyal, each becoming advocates themselves of the values we uphold and share.  I am proud of the locavore culture we have embedded into our business and the community support we receive.  I am pleased to have received many awards and accolades over the years for community, retail excellence, leadership and performance.  I feel blessed and proud to be a part of such an outstanding community.

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