Kate Langford – Owner Operator Kate Langford Career Consulting Services

EastCoast HR Group has approached prominent and everyday Sunny Coasters about their careers.  Follow our Friday Feature to find out what inspires those around to go to work every day!

Kate Langford – Owner Operator Kate Langford Career Consulting Services


What was your first job?

My first job was managing a Domino’s Pizza store when I was 18. I started at 14 and 9 months to the day and was a window cleaner. It all starts somewhere and very early on; my work ethic was different and I was always aiming high.


Who are the people that have made the biggest difference in your career and why?

To be honest having a mentor to push me outside of my comfort zone was essential and got me to where I am now, creating and running my own business. For years I knew I could but never had the confidence to do this and one day I finally I took the plunge and never looked back. Having someone that challenges you, pushes you, helps you grow and gives great incite has been the difference for me.


What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

My Dad actually said when I was at school many years ago, “Kate, It doesn’t matter what you do in life, even a garbage collector, just be the best at it”!


Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today?

5 years ago, I was working as a Branch Manager in recruitment. The straight answer is no, I thought maybe owning my own recruitment company might have been on the cards, but not Career Coaching. This is so rewarding for me and realising my true passion is what helped get me here today.


How do you approach work – life balance?

This has always been a tough one having two children aged 3 and 4. For me, I have one day that I don’t work so I can be present with them and the other days I ensure I finish early enough to have the home routine. I feel that work life balance is not easy to do but if you commit to this and make sure you prioritise what is actually the reason WHY you work, it becomes clearer. Organisation, structure, a diary and lists save me! Plus, I have “me” time every Thursday afternoon to ensure I don’t burn out.


What is your proudest moment in your career?

Taking the risk, changing careers and starting a business at the same time. I was so proud when my business took off quickly and since then I have been approached by magazines, local councils, high profile entrepreneurs and school programs to provide my incite and passion into change lives.

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