Angela Harrison – Charity Manager, STEPS Charity Ltd

EastCoast HR Group has approached prominent and everyday Sunny Coasters about their careers.  Follow our Friday Feature to find out what inspires those around to go to work every day!

Angela Harrison – Charity Manager, STEPS Charity Ltd

What was your first job?

I swept and mopped the floors of the local tennis court in Takapuna Auckland for $3.00 and then I delivered the local papers for $8.00 per week so I earned a total of $11 at the age of 11 and I haven’t stopped working since

Who are the people that have made the biggest difference in your career and why?

I have been so fortunate to have so many incredible mentors thanks to former and current employers including Carmel Crouch who is a formidable leader and stalwart for young adults living with a disability. Carmel has exampled and taught me such invaluable lessons in leadership and how to strengthen your position for increasing your capacity to lead and manage people and volunteers, conducive to positive and constructive outcomes as part of the engagement process for delivering to local community. I feel extremely fortunate to be part of her leadership team.

Don Moffatt who has been a wonderful mentor, leader and as the former Chairman of many community committee’s where I reported to him as his Personal Assistant, Secretary and then as his Fundraising / Marketing Manager. Don Moffatt has imparted his wisdom, management, counsel and expertise gained from his prior Military, Fashion Industry, along with Commercial, Residential and Industrial Development and Community Leader roles to weigh in on important decisions and conversations as part of influencing a 25+ year long career / mentor capacity.

Maurice H is my esteemed fundraising mentor and he has been so incredibly generous with his time week in week out for 2 and a half years. Every Monday for 30 minutes Maurice teaches me fundraising principles and foundations essentially drawing on his 30 years of experience as a very talented and successful professional fundraiser.

There are many more who have provided pearls of wisdom, leadership and guidance too many to list.

What is the best piece of advice you have been given?

Treat others with the respect that you would expect to be treated

Always give generously of your time with individuals, because you never know who you may be talking to; and to

Work in the business as if it were in your own business because when you take care of what belongs to another, you can be trusted to take care of much and doors will continue to open.

Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today?

No not really, I was tossed between working in the Education sector having established a career in education at the University of New South Wales and the Queensland Government Department of Education and or working for a Not-For-Profit organisation where I wake up every morning and get to make a really difference every single day. Last year, I asked myself, ‘What do I want to be when I grow up’, and it was then that I decided to apply myself to becoming a Professional Fundraiser.

How do you approach work – life balance?

Work Life Balance is a real struggle for fundraisers as its constant with significant demands especially with morning and evening networking as well as generally multiple events occurring throughout the week and weekends. I start my morning with cardio fitness for 45 minutes which sets me up for the day. I try to find downtime across the weekend with outdoor fitness and exercise with a bike ride, a mountain walk or perhaps a nice relaxing walk along a beach. I find this recharges the batteries and allows for the long days and evenings that are inherent of fundraising.

What is your proudest moment in your career?

Definitely the proudest career moment was being named the 2018 Alumnus of the Year, Regional Achiever for the University of the Sunshine Coast as the 32nd student from 22,000 graduating students to be recognised.

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